Telehealth consultations available for bariatric surgery and general surgery
About Us

Our Partners

At Brisbane General & Obesity Surgery, we believe in making the world a better place, which is why we are so passionate about improving the health of our patients and advocating for wellness all over Australia.

But as a company, we also want to enact change in the world around us, so we donate to local charities when we can. In doing so, we hope to pay it forward and provide support to the local community.

WHY Clinic

WHY Clinic is a modern Allied Health Facility led by Catherine Smith, which supports a team health care service. The clinic uses a model of care that supports private practice Nurse Practitioner services, and will act as a collaborative or hub for Nurse Practitioner health care and other health practitioners to provide diverse health care support.

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Weight Management Psychology

We are a group of psychologists who are incredibly passionate about helping you to improve your eating, physical activity, weight and body image. Our mission is to help as many people as we can with these all-too-common concerns, following a unique blend of compassionate, scientifically supported, and innovative care!

Tailored Wellbeing Nutritionist

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Ambition Health

Mitch Peterman from Ambition Health is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. He is experienced in the development of individualised exercise programs for before and after bariatric surgery. With a focus on the preservation of lean muscle mass during weight loss, exercise options may include supervised sessions in clinic, home programs or gym programs.

Empowering patients to take better care of themselves

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